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Speaking into the Silence
At a writing retreat a couple of years ago, one of my fellow participants posed the question: "Where are the voices of mothers?" At the...
In the Meantime
I am on a ferry boat, metaphorically speaking. The comfort of an established routine has been replaced by a propulsion of instability. I...
I'm the seasonal opposite of a bear. I seem to hibernate in summer (at least until my birthday comes around, at which time I emerge and...
To Procreate, or Not To Procreate?
I recently read a controversial article by Anne Kingston in Maclean's called, The case against having kids. The question of whether or...
Ready to Leap
I have heard the maxim "leap and the net will appear" from various sources over the years, and while I comprehend its wisdom, I can't...
Temporal Homes
As winter settles in every year, I often think about the homeless. In particular, I am thinking about a homeless couple who settled into...
"I will only drive down last week's road once in my life." --Carmen Joy King Lately, I have been missing it. The moment. In fact, I...
Written in the Skin
"Lord my body has been a good friend / but I won't need it when I reach the end." --Cat Stevens We cannot shed our bodies, like...
Tales from the Dark Side
Halloween, like so many other cultural celebrations, has emerged from ancient rituals associated with several different historical eras....
3 Questions for Steven Pressfield (Part 3 of 3)
Welcome to the final installment of my Q&A with Steven Pressfield. He discusses the process of revision and how sitting down to do the...
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