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Speaking into the Silence
At a writing retreat a couple of years ago, one of my fellow participants posed the question: "Where are the voices of mothers?" At the...

Ready to Leap
I have heard the maxim "leap and the net will appear" from various sources over the years, and while I comprehend its wisdom, I can't...

"I will only drive down last week's road once in my life." --Carmen Joy King Lately, I have been missing it. The moment. In fact, I...

3 Questions for Steven Pressfield (Part 3 of 3)
Welcome to the final installment of my Q&A with Steven Pressfield. He discusses the process of revision and how sitting down to do the...
3 Questions for Steven Pressfield (Part 2 of 3)
I'm back with part two of my Q&A with Steven Pressfield. This week, he offers insights and suggestions for writers with regards to time...

3 Questions for Steven Pressfield (Part 1 of 3)
Through a fortuitous connection via Twitter, I was given the opportunity to ask author and historian Steven Pressfield three questions...
After an embarrassingly long absence, I have returned to my lonely blog. I have, in a sense, returned, to a former state of relative...
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